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Advantages of the Solutions

Patients Will Recieve Proper Care

In the past decade there has been a decrease in the amount of psychiatrists available to patients needing assistance and regular medical doctors have been filling their position. Melinda Beck stated in the Wall Street Journal that, “some 90 million Americans live in communities with fewer than one psychiatrist per 30,000 residents, according to government surveys”. 

More government funding could help with this problem by giving people the motivation and money to go into the field of psychiatry. This would increase the amount of psychiatrists available to the public. Government funds would also increase the pay of psychiatrists, which would make more college students want to go into the profession. Patients would get diagnosed more accurately while recieving the proper treatment they need and deserve by having well trained psychiatrists instead of regular medical doctors in their place.



Help the Family of the Person With a Mental Illness

More government funds could also play an important role by putting more programs in place to help the family of a mentally ill person cope with stress and to show how to better care for their loved one.

Studies have shown that most of the time children who have siblings with mental illnesses feel abandoned by their parents, but do not want to speak up because they know their brother or sister needs the attention (Sanders et al. 260).



If programs were put in place by government funds it would benefit the family's household because the parents would understand the emotions that their children are going through. The siblings would not feel as neglected because the parents would be aware of how they felt and give more attention to them. 



Educate the Younger Generation

If programs were put into middle schools and high schools to educate children they would know what a mental illness is. Also they would be able to learn more about them and how they affect others. The younger generation is the future, so if they become well informed at a young age, they will be able to make a difference involving mental illnesses when they become adults.

Insurance Coverage

Better insurance coverage should be made available to families who have a loved one with a mental illness. This would relieve financial stress from the families and they would not have to worry about where they are going to get the money to pay for the treatment that their loved one needs.

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